PDMI East 2022
Dial800 attending March 13th-15th!
The world of Direct Response marketing is dependent on getting quick and high-quality results, and Dial800 is proud to have deep roots as partners and collaborators with performance marketers, and . . . CONTINUE READING
PDMI West 2021
Dial800 attending in person October 4th - 6th!
The world of Direct Response marketing is dependent on getting quick and high-quality results, and Dial800 is proud to have deep roots as partners and collaborators with performance marketers, and . . . CONTINUE READING
OTT – Over-The-Top Media Tracking
The world of Direct Response marketing is dependent on getting quick and high-quality results. When Dial800 was founded they quickly found collaborators in the Direct Response industry. Growing together from . . . CONTINUE READING
Should Local Businesses Use A Local Or A Toll Free Number?
Should Local Businesses Use A Local Or A Toll Free Number? Is a business better off using a local prefix or a toll free number? Those who argue in favor . . . CONTINUE READING
5 Ways to Use Your Business Phone Line to Stay Connected With Customers
In the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are struggling to keep operations running smoothly and customers engaged with their products and services. The possible long-term economic impact . . . CONTINUE READING
Don’t call me old: 8 tips for smart baby boomer marketing
While the vast majority of marketing strategies seem to be about Millennials these days, many brands may not be capitalizing enough on the still-substantial baby boomer marketing. A recent report by the National Venture . . . CONTINUE READING
No mistake about it: Business blunders must be stopped when small
The internet is rife with stories about small errors that turned into huge mistakes for businesses and other organizations. In some of the most memorable, NASA’s $125 million Mars orbiter . . . CONTINUE READING
Your front lines: Training your calling center to represent your brand
You’ve installed a marketing plan intended to drive more calls to your business, and you look forward to leveraging those calls into revenues. But is your calling center equipped to . . . CONTINUE READING
What are the Best Toll Free Numbers?
All toll-free numbers are not created equal! In fact, studies show that a better-built toll free number can help lift in-bound response for advertisers by 20, 30, even 50% or . . . CONTINUE READING
For Whom The Bell Never Tolls
Dial800’s success is founded in memorable numbers and remarkable response By Ian P. Murphy. Dial800 launched in 1989 as a service bureau to provide businesses with toll-free numbers after industry . . . CONTINUE READING