Mass Torts Made Perfect : 10/19 – 10/21
There are a thousand reasons why trial attorneys and their teams fly to Las Vegas each Spring and Fall for the unique “MTMP experience.” You may be just beginning to . . . CONTINUE READING

Balancing act: Which of your jobs can be mechanized?
With the prevalence of automated emails, pop-up ads that seem to read your mind and phone systems that interrogate you before your call gets through, you may sometimes feel like . . . CONTINUE READING

Marketers: Avoid This $6 Million Mistake!
Since last October when the FCC made 855-prefix toll-free numbers available, some have advocated a land grab mentality. With 800 numbers “spoken for”, the release looks like a ripe opportunity . . . CONTINUE READING

The Right Numbers Increase Profitability
It is commonly understood that toll-free numbers that start with an 800-prefix, versus other prefix alternatives such as an 888, 877 or 866 give marketers an advantage, but just how . . . CONTINUE READING

Online Call Tracking Using Dynamic Number Insertion
Adding a toll-free number to your website is a great way to increase leads and conversions. Now, withdynamic number insertion, call tracking can be used to pinpoint the online source of leads by toll-free . . . CONTINUE READING

Manage Call Center Data with new RoundTrip Integration
Dial800 is proud to release RoundTrip™ as the fourth product in it’s Marketing Optimization suite. Roundtrip imports call center data and seamlessly integrates it into your CallView360 call tracking data. Roundtrip provides complete call center metrics allowing customers . . . CONTINUE READING

Toll-Free Misprint Wreaks Havoc On Charitable Intentions
Further evidence that the term “toll-free number” and the prefix 800 are synonymous in the minds of many comes from this story out of Cincinnati. As WCPO Channel 9 reports, . . . CONTINUE READING